La República Catalana


71% for Catalan Independence/71% PER LA INDEPENDÈNCIA CATALANA

71% for Catalan Independence

obelix_html_5cdddf82President Mas of a diminished CiU as Asterix and the ever growing Junqueras of Esquerra as Obelix have their secret potion to defeat the evil Spanish Empire: the vote.Below: Back to fascism: Former Fascist Aznar (left) has called for the Catalan government to be jailed to stop the vote. His former favourite Rajoy is too much in debt with democratic Europe to go back to Spanish despotism.

Unlike Cameron, Rajoy refuses to let Catalans vote. The opinion polls make increasingly grim reading for Madrid. Today 71% would vote for independence and 29% against with 84% voter participation. The only hope for Spain is federalism, which Rajoy also refuses to discuss with the socialists. The status quo of the State of the Autonomies is dead and the PP centralization just makes independence more likely.

Referendum on independence: Yes 55%, No 22%, Not voting 16%. Electoral result: Yes 71%, No 29%, Voter participation 77%.

Spanish democracy:

Satisfied: Yes 15%, No 84%.

Spanish politics: Excellent 0%, Good or fair 5%, Bad or awful 94%.

Politicians listen to the people: Yes 17%, No 82%.

Trust in Madrid: Absolutely 0%, A lot 7%, Somewhat 9%, Rather not 39%, None 37%.

Catalan Politics:

Nationality: Spanish 7%, Dual Spanish and Catalan 33%, Catalan 58%.

Autonomy: Too much 4%, Just right 21%, Insufficient 70%.

All taxes for Catalonia: Yes 80%, No 15%.

Catalonia and Spain: A region 5%, an Autonomy 19%, a Federal State 21%, an Independent State 49%.

Party: Spanish nationalist (PP, PSC, C) 14%, Catalan nationalist (CiU, Esquerra, ICV, CUP) 49%, None 28%.

Vote today for Catalan Parliament: Spanish nationalists 12% (PP 1%, PSC 6%, C 5%). Catalan nationalists 48% (CiU 17%, Esquerra 21%, ICV 6%, CUP 4%). Composition on votes cast: Spanish nationalists 20% of seats, Catalan nationalists 80% of seats.

Polling from 4 to 14 November 2013 by the Centre d’Estudis d’Opinió

71% per la independència catalana

azjoy_html_55340911Retorn del feixisme: L’exfeixista Aznar ha fet una crida per engarjolar la Generalitat per impedir el vot. El seu exfavorit Rajoy es troba massa endeutat amb Europa per retornar Espanya al despotisme. Primera foto: El president Mas de la disminuida CiU com a Astèrix i el sempre creixent Junqueras d’Esquerra com a Obelix tenen la seva poció secreta per derrotar el malvat Imperi Espanyol: el vot.

A diferència de Cameron, Rajoy refusa donar el vot als catalans. Les enquestes d’opinió cada cop són més catastròfiques per a Madrid. Avui el 71% votaria independència i el 29% en contra amb una participació electoral del 84%. L’única esperança per Espanya és el federalisme, que Rajoy també es nega a discutir amb els socialistes. El status quo de l’Estat de les Autonomies està mort i la centralització del PP només fa la independència més segura.

Referèndum sobre la independència: Sí 55%, No 22%, No vota 16%. Resultat electoral: Sí 71%, No 29%, participació electoral 77%.

Democràcia espanyola:

Satisfets: Sí 15%, No 84%.

Política espanyola: Excel.lent 0%, Bé o potable 5%, Dolenta o catastròfica 94%.

Els polítics escolten el poble: Sí 17%, No 82%.

Madrid és de fiar: Absolutament 0%, Bastant 7%, Una mica 9%, Més aviat no 39%, Res de res 37%.

Política catalana:

Nacionalitat: Espanyola 7%, Dual espanyola i catalana 33%, Catalana 58%.

Autonomia: Massa 4%, Justa la fusta 21%, Insuficient 70%.

Impostos propis: Sí 80%, No 15%.

Catalunya i Espanya: Una regió 5%, una autonomia 19%, un estat federal 21%, un estat independent 49%.

Partit: Espanyolista (PP, PSC, C) 14%, Catalanista (CiU, Esquerra, ICV, CUP) 49%, Cap 28%.

Vot avui al Parlament: Espanyolista 12% (PP 1%, PSC 6%, C 5%). Catalanista 48% (CiU 17%, Esquerra 21%, ICV 6%, CUP 4%). Composició sobre els vots emesos: Espanyolistes 20% dels escons, catalanistes 80% dels escons.

Enquesta del 4 al 14 novembre 2013 del Centre d’Estudis d’Opinió

24 November 2013 - Posted by | News comment/Comentari al dia, Politics/Política | ,


  1. Les dades són bestials.


    Comment by Miquel | 25 November 2013 | Reply

  2. Els números que doneu no són fiables ¡¡¡ ja esteu aplicant les normes propagandístiques de Goebbels.

    Nota de l’editor: Són les enquestes, res més. Mira’t els números originals. Quins partits hi ha al Parlament? Una mica menys catalanistes fa un any que ara i aixó que poso el PSC com espanyolista. Molt fàcil. Que els catalans votin i tindràs els números reals.


    Comment by jd | 28 November 2013 | Reply

  3. The analysis of which political parties have been voted (and where, when, why and for what) differs with the electoral behavior of those countries that effectively choose independence as an immediate political project, instead of just desiring it. However, it is also true that for the first time, the expression of this desire has been strong enough to focus the political debate of all parties. It is obvious now that this yearning for independence is quite alive within Catalan voters, in spite the parties that have been elected may be doubtfully supporting it. From now on, we all own the tasks to remind those parties that they used the topic Catalonia’s independence in their electoral campaign, as a slogan or as a metaphor, because now they will have to fulfill the expectations they have themselves created. In politics, words are compromises, and compromises must be fulfilled. Even in Catalonia.


    Comment by Tom Bennett | 28 November 2013 | Reply

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